By Sumner M. Saeks
Principal, New Growth Advisors

Lost in translation… often, that’s how business owners feel when trying to speak with bankers, attorneys and business consultants who attempt to help them with their challenges. As a business owner, yours is the language of serving customers, working with employees, buying equipment, acquiring real estate, and being the first one in and the last one out. Working with advisors who know how to speak your language is tantamount to your ultimate success.
While every field has its own unique vocabulary, it takes a team who not only knows your language fluently, but who also knows the right jargon to use when speaking on your behalf to other professionals in the field, and who can ultimately make or break a successful turnaround. However, it’s equally as important that they have the ability to clearly translate the “insider lingo” used by those groups to enable you to stay in control and make informed decisions. Working with a firm that knows how to “talk the talk” is key to helping any troubled business obtain additional financing, retain their best employees and attain realistic goals and objectives.
After more than four decades of turnaround consulting experience, the professionals at New Growth Advisors know how to communicate with you to learn your challenges and needs, and for you when it comes to dealing with your vendors, creditors and employees.
Being able to be conversant is a critical component your success. So if the turnaround world is foreign to you, let us be your interpreter and guide you through the tricky terrain. New Growth Advisors is fully fluent in all the languages necessary to help you plot the best course for getting back on track to long-term and sustained profitability. Let’s talk soon!